The Big Red Rumble 2022: Something to write home about.

Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.

It’s a curious thing, life. There’s an over inundation of data, content, and information at all times that it’s easy to lose track of what matters, to forget the milestones we cross, and to miss the moments that will stick with us for a lifetime.

It’s like if you don’t look up from your screen every once in a while, you forget that the seasons are changing and life is carrying on.

As the Foo Fighters once said,

“Another time, another place, another line upon your face.”

One year ago we had our first competition at CrossFit Holland open to the public. It was massive in every way- huge turn out, first competition that anyone felt comfortable going to since the lockdowns, and my first time helping to organize and facilitate a CrossFit competition.

The day came and went, iron, steel, and sweat flew through the air, and a great time was had by all.

We learned, we strategized, we organized, and we planned ahead.

One year later we launched the second of our now annual tradition of The Big Red Rumble.

Dare I say, it went even better than before.

We were so blessed to have a crew like we did. Everybody stepped up, knew when and where they were supposed to be. Like a well-oiled machine we marched through the day and conquered.

From the first crack of the sun until the final barbell slammed to the ground, the crew at CrossFit Holland never faltered, never quit, and never stopped cheering for every single team in the house.

As an event organizer and a fan of the sport, I cannot possibly thank you enough.

I get by with a little help from my friends.

Here’s a sample of what we worked towards all year.

Why do these little gyms put on such big shows?

I can tell you why: small gyms have big hearts. When you know every single person coming in and out of these doors, you get an inkling of what everyone is going through.

Not everyone is a games-level athlete.

Not everyone can bench 225 pounds.

Not everyone has full mobility in their knees.

Someone is having a hard time finding a new job.

Someone has lost a family member recently.

Somebody has a new baby, and that rascal is keeping them up all night.

Somebody is getting their Master’s degree and can barely keep their thoughts straight.

Somebody was working third shift at the factory and is riding high on their fourth dose of pre-workout.

I mean, we’ve all been there, right?

As the saying goes,

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

These competitions not only put the hard work these athletes do on the map, but it’s a celebration of the fact that no matter what life hands us we have the grit to move on. To push through.

To give it our all.

And it’s just another day.

For some people, the WOD is the hardest thing they’ll do from morning to night. To others, it’s the release from the grind of life.

It’s not to say that what happens outside of these walls doesn’t matter, because that’s not true. But when the timer is counting down and you’re feeling the raw spots on your hands every time you touch the barbell while your back is as tight as the rope to a boat’s anchor in a storm, perhaps just maybe, MAYBE... in that brief moment... everything outside of that lane just doesn’t scream as loudly.

… hard maybe.

These competitions are a party. A celebration of all that we’ve gone through, and we’re inviting everyone! The Big Red Rumble is for everyone from every walk of life and every point of their journey. When you’re here the only thing that matters is the task at hand.

Every cheer is shared amongst every team. Every athlete. Every. One.

You worked hard to be here. We know what you gave up to make this happen.

We’re so happy you came.

And remember to look up from your screens once in a while. Before you know it, it’s time for The Big Red Rumble again.

We’ll see you there!


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