New Year. New Me. Who ‘dis?

“It’s not WHAT are your goals, but WHY are your goals.”

2021 is in full swing and, to nobody’s surprise, we all decided that the brand new calendar we got for Christmas would pair really well with us being able to fit into our old jeans from high school. 

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Of course, we had loincloths back when I was in high school. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to the box with your new-car-smelling NoBull shoes and a shirt that doesn’t have a single iota of sweat stains on it or a veteran CrossFit athlete with hands like a catcher’s mitt and a mild addiction to Kill Cliff drinks. You. Want. Results!

And you know what? We want them, too.

But we need to know... what are your goals?

Why are you putting yourself through this?

Where do you see yourself after a year? Two years? Ten years?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? 

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The Finish Line is Always Just Out of Reach

Here at CrossFit Holland, we believe that fitness is a life style. 

I immediately hate that I said that.

I immediately hate that I said that.

But seriously, there are no easy answers, no fast-tracks to fitness, no magical pills or a perfect body being just a few bench presses away. Every goal takes time, repetition, effort, and repetition. 

Q&A With the Coaches

I asked a few of our coaches and members what fitness goals look like and mean to them. 

Jose Gomez, one of our coaches, posited,

“[In regards to] pushing others, I try to talk with them... [to] get a deeper understanding of what their goals are or if they have any injuries/concerns... That way I know how to help each individual specifically.”

Lesley Lampen, our resident nutrition expert, had this to say. 

“When I first meet with [people], I ask them to define what they want to get out of... nutrition coaching. Most of the time people want to lose weight. Well, that’s a great goal, BUT I help them define what that actually looks like to them...”

“I am super passionate about goal setting. It gives me the opportunity as a coach to help... focus on what they are actually trying to achieve. What is their ‘WHY’ behind the goal.’s rewarding - I want people to be successful at whatever they want to be successful at. So no matter what the goal is… I am here to help them get there.”

“Another thing I talk a lot about... is the PROCESS in achieving goals. It’s going to take hard work, patience, discipline, and consistency. They have to understand that along the way. This is one of my favorite things to do with people and with myself.”

Our very own fearless leader, Eli Coffman, wanted to add, 

"How do I get athletes to achieve goals? I work to get them to show up and try. Just show up and try. What do [people’s] goals mean to me?  I don’t know how to explain that.... you ever see someone do something they never thought they could? Who wouldn’t want to be around that electric energy all day!?”

Set Your Goalposts (and be ready to move them)

We want to know what you’re looking for and what you’re trying to achieve! Wanna do a pull up? Eli will show you how to fail properly until you succeed.

Want to increase your muscle size? Mitch will make you regret ever saying that until you have to turn sideways to walk through a doorway.

Want to work on your form for cleans? Heather will show you how it’s done and work with you over and over until your form is flawless.

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What you do after that is up to you.

Let’s fast forward and say now after all your hard work you can finally do a pull up! Awesome! Congrats! What’s next?  

Do it again. 

And again. 

And again. 

And again. 


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Do you get it? 

CrossFit is defined as: Constantly Varied Functional Movements at High Intensity. 

In less words, it means “Givin’ ‘er”.

CrossFit is also meant to increase work capacity over broad time and modal domains.

Means: getting better at doing lots of stuff over time

We do so many different movements at a variety of sets, reps, and intervals to promote a healthy lifestyle that is not specialized in any one area of expertise, but instead readies you for whatever life hands you and to help change your body composition for the better. That being said, we know that we all want to get better at… well, something.

That’s where your coaches want to help.

Once you set, pursue, and achieve a goal you set out to do, the goal posts instantly move on you. You do not “win” CrossFit. You simply progress. Bigger. Faster. Stronger. Sweatier. 

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What does this mean?

Does that seem like a lot to take in? It should. Because it is. A master does not become one by a single attempt, just as a journey of a thousand miles begins with that first foot forward. Once you arrive, you realize you have so much more to do. 

We want to help you define your goals.

The greatest thing about CrossFit Holland is not the equipment (we got some pretty sick gear though), it’s not the location (we do have a giant warehouse acting as our Fitness Palace of Love, for your information)...

It’s our community. 

Every class, every moment of instruction and training is full of like-minded people with the desire to better themselves in much the same way you do. Everyone is in this together. While we all have different specific goals, we all just want to keep. Pushing. FORWARD. 

And we do it together. 

You always have our full support.

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And medieval weaponry, I suppose.

A Present for our Members

Right now until the end of February 2021 every existing and new member is going to be able to bring a friend to the gym with a free guest pass! We want you all to show your friends and family what you’ve been up to and what you are capable of now. 

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So let’s get together (SAFELY) and let’s get a move on.

Also, you don’t want to fit into your old high school jeans. They are severely out of date. 

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